

时间:2008-11-01 19:10 作者:hari_seldon 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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[ http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=24053.0 ] 


Healer Boredom
One of the things we hear a lot from disaffected healers is they felt like they were playing the UI and not the game. Healers are notorious for standing in fires or whatever because they aren't even looking at the battlefield much of the time.

Here are some random thoughts on the issue:

If everyone threw larger heals more rarely (and damage input matched) you could look away from the UI more often.
We can't just increase healing range without also increasing the range at which the boss can hit you.
Nameplates (if refined) could have a lot of potential for combining UI with the game wold more effectively.
Integrating things into the base WoW UI such as out-of-range indicators, better debuff indicators, or heals from other about to land on a target might make healers be less dependent on mobs. (Source)



DPS Balance in PvE
Pure classes should be able to out dps hybrid classes by a small margin. However, hybrid classes should be able to be a lot closer than they were in BC, and depending on the skill, gear and encounter involved, will sometimes beat the pure dps classes.

For purposes of this discussion, pure = mage, warlock, hunter, rogue. These are the classes that cannot spec into healing or tanking roles. I don't want to get too far down into what that margin should be, because then players return with a WWS parse saying "See, the mage beat me. You said we would be competitive."

I'm not saying the difference is only 1%, but even if it was, just look at how many players get freaked out about something that could increase or decrease their sustained dps by 1%. If your group doesn't notice a difference when it runs with all hybrids, then chances are you have e.g. awesome shamans and really cruddy mages. That's cool. If you can still kill the boss, you're golden. (Source)



The logic behind the revamp of Hybrid classes
Our logic worked out like this:

1) Buffs are breaking the game. There are many examples you could insert here, but here are a few:
-- Ret paladins can't get into the melee group because of all the buffers in there.
-- Stacking shamans for Bloodlust rotations.
-- Stacking Shadow Priests so mana conservation would be irrelevant.
-- Mages getting shut out of raids, in part because it was better to bring yet another lock to benefit from Curse of Shadows.
2) We decided to consolidate buffs such that similar ones would not stack, but we extended the effects to raid wide.
3) Thus, in a 25-player raid, you need far fewer than 25 players to get the buffs you need, allowing you to fill those remaining slots with who you want.
4) Without the benefits of those buffs, those remaining slots would most likely just go to pure dps classes. Shamans, for example, might go from 5 per raid to 1 (or 1 death knight instead).
5) So we buffed hybrid dps a lot.
6) But we knew at the other extreme that pure dps classes risked getting shut out of raids if hybrids could do their damage.
7) So we made sure the pure classes could still do superior dps given similar skill and gear. We wanted you to risk having lower dps if you brought all hybrids.

We don't go into a lot of detail about how much higher or lower certain classes should be, because we noticed that players respond to this by posting WWS parses that shows their class in the #10 spot and get all bent out of shape about it (and totally ignoring the bit about equal gear or skill).

The net result is that hybrid dps is much higher, but not as high as pure classes. If you are an awesome hybrid player, then you will sometimes top the damage meters depending on your gear, skill and the specific encounter. But you probably won't do it as much as a rogue, mage, warlock or hunter (again depending on their skill).

I know the edge here sometimes seems fuzzy. It is. WoW's combat system is pretty complicated and hard and fast rules can only get you so far. But that is the basic model in very simple terms. (Source)

1. buff正在改变游戏,你可以举出一些例子,但是看看下面我列出来的一些
  • 惩戒骑不能进入近战组——近战组提供buff的职业满了
  • 在团队中狂塞萨满放嗜血
  • 塞暗牧来保证回蓝
  • 用术士来替换法师,这样就能从暗影诅咒中获得更多伤害
2. 我们把相近效果的buff整合,它们不能再堆叠了,同时,我们把buff扩展到团队享受
3. 这样的话,你们就不需要费尽心思考虑buff问题,你可以自由选择谁进团
4. 但是这样一来,你们会组更多纯DPS职业(buff容易堆了,那么剩下的谁DPS高谁进团),萨满数量就从5个变成1个,甚至用死骑取代萨满
5. 这样的话,我们需要大大buff混合职业DPS
6. 但又存在另一种风险:纯DPS职业被挤走了
7. 所以最后我们还要保证纯DPS的输出更高那么一点,那么你是否进团就和你的职业无关,而是看你努力不努力了


[ http://wow.17173.com/content/2008-11-01/20081101190337105,1.shtml ]


Post expansion PvP balance
I'm not going to promise that we will automatically buff any class that can't obtain X arena rating in the first season. That takes all of the onus off of the community and makes the assumption that strategies and tactics never evolve, which they do. But we will make balance changes for PvP purposes after LK ships. Absolutely. (Source)


Armory Maintenance
We are currently performing a maintenance on the Armory and due to this the detailed character profiles will be unavailable for the next 2 days. Thank you for your patience as we continue to make the Armory a great feature for all of our players to use. (Source)

Druid mana issues
We're not trying to punish Feral with a lack of mana or anything. We're just evaluating how they perform and what they do, especially in PvP with regards to this issue. The bottom line is we're not sure yet if it's really a problem or if the Feral players are just having trouble adjusting to the change. (I understand many of them *say* it's a problem.)

We also aren't trying to make Balance and Resto the shifting specs. However, as mana-using classes they are going to be able to do more with that mana, such as healing. We want druids to be able to shift -- that is a major part of the class. The only thing in contention is how often is too often and how much can they do in night elf or tauren form. (Source)

There are plenty of good threads on Lifebloom post-nerf. It is less powerful than it was before, but it is still a very good spell and we fully expect druids to still use it in PvE and PvP. (Source)




Holy paladin potential AE healing spell
Just say for sake of argument that anything remotely like Circle of Healing is off the table. Just pretend we said that it goes against the vision of the paladin class or whatever to ever AE heal (that's not true, but just roll with me here). Now then, what is the one healing spell you would want added to your repetoire? (Source)


Arms / Fury concerns (Source)
#1-- Make sure they could tank a normal 5-player dungeon
Arms and Fury can tank 5-player dungeons fine. The Shield Slam change alone helped a lot here.

#2-- Give them both viable PvE and PvP roles
You offered almost no detail here. Both Arms and Fury are mobile in PvP and bring the MS debuff. Both of them can do great PvE damage. What's the issue?

#3-- Make the Arms tree about something other than Mortal Strike
Arms definitely cares about Deep Wounds and Execute now. Overpower perhaps a little less. I totally disagree they are useless in PvP.

#4-- Make Battle Stance a little sexier
It's definitely better than it used to be. Could we do more with it? We're not sure yet.

#5-- Make sure mobilty didn't just belong to one spec
Warbringer is great (despite a ton of QQ when we first implemented the talent). But Arms and Fury still have Charge, Intercept and Intervene. I am sad we couldn't make Heroic Leap work.

#6-- Try and get warriors to care more about plate
I think the jury is out here. The goal wasn't to prevent warriors from wearing leather. It was to make plate more attractive, which I feel like we've done.

#7-- Make warriors a little less reliant on "pocket healers"
If you don't want the healing, don't push the button. :)



