

时间:2008-10-31 19:03 作者:conan8082 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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暴雪更新了论坛,开放了坦克 治疗 输出三个新版块 随便选择一些有趣蓝贴翻译给大家吧。

[ http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/12065090064-shaman-aoe-viability-for-enhance-and-ele.html ]

We have changed our minds on the design of Elemental and decided that the spec needs to be able to do real AE in order to fill the ranged dps role. We're still considering the best way to do that. Totems, Chain Lightning, or Thunderstrom are all candidates (possibly glyphed) but all have their problems too, which is why we haven't settled on an implementation yet.

We're not convinced Enhancement needs AE. Rogues and cats don't have a true AE (though they might really want one) and it doesn't seem to have hurt them much.


[ http://blue.mmo-champion.com/26/12197380125-i-kind-of-wish-tanking-wasnt-so-easy-now.html ]
I do agree that everything is easier right now at 70. But keep in mind these 3 things coming up at 80:

-- Bosses have more armor. That is going to affect the threat generation, particularly of warriors and bears.
-- A lot of groups are AE tanking and burning down groups. It's fun, but at higher levels the risk you're going to take is that those groups kill you.
-- Threat is easy to manage now, and not too bad in Naxx. Naxx was designed to be more of an introduction to raiding. It won't stay that easy. I wouldn't expect a lot of Void Walker-style competitions to stay on top of threat meters compared to other tanks, but you might have to worry about the dps'rs catching up to you at some point.


[ http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/12065150829-impressive-gc.html ]
We LOVE Ret paladins. Seriously. We made a ton of changes to the spec that we wouldn't have done if we didn't care what happened to the class. When we did Naxx tests and people brought Ret paladins, it was great. Even before they became overpowered, there were several posts by Ret pallies saying how they liked the changes to their class (so I don't think it was just an issue that they were rolling over everyone that made them fun).

Sadly, you were overpowered by a considerable margin in both PvE and PvP. That was our fault (mine really) and not anything the community did. Most Ret pallies actually seem to agree they were OP and only argue with the magnitude of the nerfs.

Q u o t e:
1. I hope its not true that Dev's are powering thier tunes at the sake of others.

Of course not. Why would we risk a franchise with eleven million active players for something so selfish? That would be really, really dumb. Besides, if you read the forums, we have never played any of the classes anyway. :)

Q u o t e:
2. That you nurfed me for the sake of a bigger picture and will be bringng others in line with me to achive overall balnce

Ret was not the only OP class. We made changes to Frost mages and all hunters at the same time. There are still a few classes that may be OP still. They probably know who they are.

Q u o t e:
3. That the balance is static, and dosnt take a year to even give me minimal imporvement as in the past.

We made a lot of changes to the game for LK, and we owe it to the players who have stuck with their characters for so many years to quickly address things if they feel off.

Q u o t e:
4. That im not being misled as in the past just to get 15 bucks a month.

I'm not the business guy here, but I don't think the game has the following it has because we somehow manage to decieve large portions of our customer base. I think it's because the game is fun.

Q u o t e:
5. That i be needed and viable so long as i have the skill.....................

That is exactly the plan.



