但是考虑后还是觉得, 这并不是一个类似与复制物品bug这样
传开后会导致人人争相牟利, 毁灭游戏内经济系统这样的bug
只要能把这个消息普及, 各大公会就能切实做好防范
[ http://www.wowinsider.com/2007/11/22/robbing-the-guild-bank/ ]
Players are reporting that their guild banks are being robbed by new guild recruits. While this is a known issue for Blizzard, many players are still unaware of the bug.
一些玩家报告说, 他们的公会银行被一些新入会的新人洗劫了, 虽然玻璃渣已经意识到了这个问题,
Currently, withdrawal limits are not reset when a character joins a new guild. Whatever a character''s old guild status was carries over. In this way, officers are leaving guilds, joining new ones, and gaining officer access to the new guild''s bank tabs. After withdrawing most of the loot, the character transfers servers or mails off the loot and deletes his toon. The guild logs report "Unknown" as the culprit.
目前, 当一个角色加入新公会的时候, 他的公会银行提取权限不会被重置, 他在旧公会拥有的一切权限
都会被原封不动的带来。 通过这个方法一个公会的官员可以通过离开公会, 加入新的公会, 来取得新
公会的官员对公会银行的操作权限。 然后如果他从公会银行提取出所有的loot, 然后转移角色去别的服务器, 或者将他洗劫的物品寄给小号然后删除角色, 那么, 在公会银行的提取记录中将会显示 - "未知"。
In theory, any character could start their own guild, or get invited as an officer to a new guild (this is common when children start guilds), just to exploit this problem.
理论上, 任何角色都可以通过新建自己的公会, 或者被作为官员邀请入一个新公会(许多小p孩建的公会
都会把新加进来的人封个官儿), 来利用此八哥牟利。
At this time, guild bank withdrawal limits for a given character are not reset when they join a new guild. Thus, whatever limits were applied to that character in their former guild will be carried over, and must be manually readjusted by the Guild Master in order to ensure the desired settings.
现在, 角色加入新公会后对公会银行的提取权限不会被自动修改, 就是说, 每次新加会员, 都需要公会
The only fix is for the guild master to manually reset the new recruit''s guild bank permissions immediately upon invite. While there will always be potential for abuse when pooling resources, at bare minimum, we should be able to protect our investments from outside forces. Until there is a more permanent solution, GM''s might want to consider giving themselves sole invite permissions for security purposes, or temporarily changing the guild''s policy on low-level recruits.
唯一的解决方法就是当邀请一个人加入公会时, 立即由公会会长来调整他对公会银行的操作权限。
当我们的投资面临着潜在的被滥用的威胁的时候, 至少, 我们希望能通过外力来保护我们的利益(莫非是
真人pk咩), 直到有一个更长久可靠的解决方案。
GM正在考虑, 出于安全的目的, 让GM涉入公会管理, 给予GM独占权限来负责邀请新会员,
或者临时的更改公会的政策, 停止招收低级别的新人。
可能这个八哥在国服已有人获悉, 只是没有大范围爆发, 就如2.3刚开时候的复制物品的bug一样。
2.3八哥好多阿, 复制物品, 奥山荣誉, 现在又多了个公会银行权限。