
炼金(Elixir Master)任务和时光之穴声望崇拜功略

时间:2007-03-18 20:38 作者:ColdMelody 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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摘 要
经过好多天的奋斗, 向大家介绍一下炼金一个分支的任务,以及时光之穴声望的刷法

在完成了上次的卡拉赞钥匙任务以后..又接到了炼金 的一个分支任务(Master of Elixirs), 无奈又只能去时光之穴了.
Elixir Master这个任务是在Shattrath‘s Lower City那里的Lorokeem接的..任务具体内容如下:
Level 70  Alchemy 
Obtained at level 69  HordeAlliance 
Go to the Black Morass in the Caverns of Time and obtain 10 Essences of Infinity from Rift Lords and Rift Keepers. Bring these along with 5 Elixirs of Major Defense, 5 Elixirs of Mastery and 5 Elixirs of Major Agility to Lorokeem in Shattrath‘s Lower City.

*WARNING!* You can only select one alchemy specialization. 
Essence of Infinity: 0/10 
Elixir of Major Defense: 0/5 
Elixir of Mastery: 0/5 
Elixir of Major Agility: 0/5 
I‘ve devoted my life to perfecting my elixirs. Despite my success, I haven‘t been able to create an elixir of eternal life.

I think I know the reagent I‘m missing. I‘ve heard of a place called the Caverns of Time in Azeroth where intruders known as rift lords and rift keepers phase in and out of the timeline.

This intrusive time-shifting creates tears in time itself, twisting it infinitely into crystallized essences. Bring these to me along with samples of your work and I‘ll teach you all I know.
The essences! Do you have them?
You are very good with elixirs, if these are any indication. You will make a fine student.

These essences will provide me enough materials to formulate my recipe. I will be known among all alchemists for this discovery!

Now, if you‘re willing to learn, I am willing to teach. 
  Elixir Master 
7 Gold 59 Silver

Essence of Infinity 10
这个东西也是这个任务的关键..是在副本 Caverns of time: dark portal 才能拿到..这个副本具体流程可以参看上次我发的卡拉赞的钥匙任务流程,不过中间有个地方写错了,应该总共有18轮战斗..中间拉小怪的那个人可能会比较辛苦点..而Essence of Infinity是这18轮中的每个大怪掉的,但是问题就在不是每个都会掉..也就是说至少得去2次(本人去了4次,可能是最近没有烧香运气就比较衰了点T_T)不过心里安慰一下..就当刷声望+刷装备了!
Elixir of Major Defense 5
每瓶材料需要:3x Ancient Lichen
1x Terocone
1x Imbued Vial
其中Ancient Lichen是只有外域的副本里才有的,所以每次下副本的时候千万不要放过.
Elixir of Mastery 5
每瓶材料需要:3x Terocone
1x Felweed
1x Imbued Vial

Elixir of Major Agility 5
每瓶需要的材料:1x Terocone
2x Felweed
1x Imbued Vial

这个得去Hellfire Peninsula中间的Honor Hold向Logistics Officer Ulrike购买配方..需要Honor Hold声望尊敬!(什么?声望还没尊敬买不了?那就把任务都做了吧,顺便把那里的两个副本多刷刷..以免英雄副本的钥匙都买不到)
Flamewrought Key 
Binds when picked up 
Requires Honor Hold - Revered 
"Unlocks Heroic Difficulty for Hellfire Citadel dungeons."
Sells for 2 Gold 50 Silver to vendors 

大家发现了吧,其实Terocone也是需要不少的,这个可以在Terokkar Forest 采到的,这些都是在60冲70

的时候可以搞定的..  至于Felweed外域到处都是..

就此Master of Elixirs任务完成..我实验了一下..成了这个专精后, Elixir of Major Agility 5个的材料,我做



Binds when picked up 
One-Hand  Dagger 
113 - 171 Damage  Speed 1.80 
(78.9 damage per second) 
+21 Agility 
Durability 75 / 75 
Requires Level 70 
Requires Keepers of Time -Exalted 
Chance on hit: Encloses enemy in a temporal rift, increasing the time between their attacks by 10% for 10 sec. 
Equip: Increases attack power by 20. 
Sells for 39 Gold 29 Silver 21 Copper to vendors 
Item Level 95 
Source: Vendor

个人觉得属性还不错..因为本人所在工会没有实力=.= 去不了大副本,所以只能拿拿这种声望装备了




以及卡拉赞钥匙和上面的炼金任务后基本达到声望尊敬9000. 黑暗之门的任务给9000声望...真开心

不过好日子就此结束!!下来...大家发扬刷的精神吧, 如果有实力的队伍(等级全部70,并且装备也不错)建议刷 Dark portal, 快的话半

小时一次, 1000+声望. 没有实力的话(等级66以上)..那只能去Durnholde了, 不过时间就比较长..没有1个半小时搞



方法基本就是这样..如果各位有发现更好的刷声望的方法的话可以来我的BLOG(/)交流一下! (欢迎转载,不过请写一下出处,毕竟写得好辛苦啊)



