When deciding on Allied Races, why did you choose Void Elves instead of High Elves?
Blood Elves are basically High Elves. They have a slightly different backstory but if you want a tall, blonde hair elf, that's is basically a Blood Elf.
We just met Alleria and got the backstory of the
Void Elf and they wanted to add a race that looked a little like the Blood Elf and Void Elves fit. Giving High Elves to the Alliance would blur the lines between factions and they have Void Elves now -- eye color isn't the same, maybe contact lens in the future.
Blood Elves are basically High Elves. Slightly different eye color and backstory, but if you want to be a light skinned elf, that is basically a Blood Elf. Giving that to the Alliance would blur the line between factions.
There aren't a ton of High Elves out there in WoW.
If you are Alliance any want to be an elf, the Horde is there for you.