1、This Horde ship was crafted by goblins. Originally intended to bring Thrall and Aggra to the Maelstrom, the ship was destroyed in a surprise attack by the Alliance.
Draka's Fury 德拉卡之怒
Hellscream's Fury 地狱咆哮之怒
Aggra's Fury 阿格拉之怒
Durotan's Fury 杜隆坦之怒
2、What are undead murlocs called?
Gorlocs 鳄鱼人
Mur'ghouls 行尸鱼人
Wolvar 狼獾人
Mur'liches 巫妖鱼人
3、What is the name of Tirion Fordring's gray stallion?
Ashanor 艾沙诺
Mistsilver 密斯希瓦
Feonir 菲昂尼尔
Mirador 米拉多
4、Which of these is the correct name for King Varian Wrynn's first wife?
Tiffin Windemere Wrynn 蒂芙尼·温德米尔·乌瑞恩
Therese Anne Wrynn 黛蕾丝·安妮·乌瑞恩
Therese Angharad Wrynn 黛蕾丝·安加拉德·乌瑞恩
Tiffin Ellerian Wrynn 蒂芙尼·艾拉兰·乌瑞恩
5、Who was the first satyr to be created?
Peroth'arn 佩罗萨恩
Garaxxas 贾拉克萨斯
Xavius 萨维斯
Vyletongue 维利塔恩
6、Before Ripsnarl became a worgen, he had a family. What was his wife's name?
Emma Harrington 艾玛·哈灵顿
Calissa Harrington 卡丽莎·哈灵顿
Vanessa Whitehall 瓦妮莎·怀特霍尔
Katrina Whitehall 卡特里娜·怀特霍尔
7、This structure, located in Zangarmarsh was controlled by naga who sought to drain a precious and limited resource: the water of Outland.
Snakecoil Cavern 盘蛇洞穴
Serpentine Basin 毒蛇盆地
Coilfang Reservoir 盘牙水库
Spiralfang Cistern 旋牙水池
8、One name for this loa is "Night's Friend"
Shirvallah 希瓦拉尔
Kimbul 吉布尔
Mueh'zala 缪萨拉
Shadra 沙德拉
9、This defender of the Scarlet Crusade was killed while slaying the dreadlord Beltheris
Fellari Swiftarrow 菲尔拉蕾·迅箭
Holia Sunshield 阳炎之盾·霍利亚
Yana Bloodspear 亚娜·血矛
Valea Twinblades 双刀瓦雷亚
10、Brown-skinned orcs first began showing up on Azeroth several years after the Third War, when the Dark Portal was reactivated. What are these orcs called?
Mag'har 玛格汉
Felblood 邪血
Mok'Nathal 莫科那萨尔
Fel orc 邪兽人
11、Succubus demons revel in causing anguish, and they serve the Legion by conducting nightmarish interrogations. What species is the succubus?
Ered'ruin 艾瑞德鲁因
Sayaad 萨亚德
Shivarra 希瓦拉
Eredar 艾瑞达
12、While working as a tutor, Stalvan Mistmantle became obsessed with one of his students, a young woman named Tilloa. What was the name of her younger brother?
Billy 比利
William 威廉
Giles 贾尔斯
Tobias 托比亚斯
13、Who was the mighty proto-dragon captured by Loken and tranformed into Razorscale?
Galakrond 迦拉克隆
Veranus 维拉努斯
Zeptek 塞普泰克
Vyletongue 维利塔恩
14、This emissary of the Horde felt that Silvermoon City was a little too bright and clean.
Cheneta 科内塔
Kristine Denny 克莉丝汀·德尼
Tatai 塔泰
Dela Runetotem 德拉·符文图腾
15、This queen oversaw the evacuation of her people after the Cataclysm struck and the Forsaken attacked her nation.
Queen Lia Greymane 莉亚·格雷迈恩皇后
Queen Malia Greymane 玛丽亚·格雷迈恩皇后
Queen Liria Greymane 莉娅拉·格雷迈恩皇后
Queen Mia Greymane 米娅·格雷迈恩皇后
16、Not long ago, this frail Zandalari troll sought to tame a direhorn. Although he journeyed to the Isle of Giants, he was slain in his quest. What was his name?
Maaka 玛卡
Grimath 格里马斯
Talak 塔拉克
Ra'wiri 拉乌瑞
17、Arthas's death knights were trained in a floating citadel that was taken by force when many of them rebelled against the Lich King. What was the fortress's name?
Acherus 阿彻鲁斯
Naxxanar 纳克萨尔
Kolramas 库勒玛斯
Naxxramas 纳克萨玛斯
18、White wolves were once the favored mounts of which orc clan?
Whiteclaw clan 白爪氏族
Warsong clan 战歌氏族
Frostwolf clan 霜狼氏族
Icefang clan 冰牙氏族
19、In Taur-ahe, the language of the tauren, what does lar'korwi mean?
Sharp claw 利爪
Razor tooth 锋齿
Sharp tooth 利齿
Razor claw 锋爪
20、Name the homeworld of the ethereals.
K'aresh 卡瑞许
Xarodi 萨洛迪
Khu'ral 库来
Xoroth 克索诺斯
21、Who was the first death knight to be created on Azeroth?
Teron Gorefiend 塔隆·血魔
Arthas Menethil 阿尔萨斯·米奈希尔
Alexandros Mograine 亚历山大·莫格莱尼
Koltira Deathweaver 库尔迪拉·织亡者
22、In the assault on Icecrown, Horde forces dishonorably attacked Alliance soldiers who were busy fighting Scourge and trying to capture this gate.
Corp'rethar 科雷萨
Aldur'thar 奥尔杜萨
Angrathar 安加萨
Mord'rethar 莫德雷萨
23、What evidence drove Prince Arthas to slaughter the people in Stratholme during the Third War?
Tainted soil 被污染的土地
Tainted wildlife 被污染的野生生命
Tainted water 被污染的水源
Tainted grain 被污染的粮食
24、Who is the current leader of the gnomish people?
Gelbin Mekkatorque 吉尔宾·梅卡托克
Millhouse Manastorm 米尔豪斯·法力风暴
Sicco Thermaplugg 麦克尼尔·瑟玛普拉格
Fizzcrank Fullthrottle 菲兹兰克·铁阀
25、Malfurion Stormrage helped found this group which is the primary druidic organization of Azeroth
Crimson Ring 猩红之环
Emerald Circle 翡翠议会
Earthen Ring 大地之环
Cenarion Circle 塞纳里奥议会
26、The draenei like to joke that in the language of the naaru, the word Exodar has this meaning
Defective elekk turd 有瑕疵的雷象屎
Crystal death trap 水晶死亡陷阱
Worthless elekk dung 不值钱的雷象**
Radioactive biohazard 放射性生化危机
27、Thane Kurdran Wildhammer recently suffered a tragic loss when his valiant gryphon was killed in a fire. What was this gryphon's name?
Swifwing 迅翼
Sharpbeak 沙普比克
Sky'ree 斯卡雷
Stormbeak 风暴比克
28、Before she was raised from the dead by Arthas to serve the Scourge, Sindragosa was a part of what dragonflight?
Red dragonflight 红龙军团
Blue dragonflight 蓝龙军团
Green dragonflight 绿龙军团
Bronze dragonflight 青铜龙军团
29、The Ironforge library features a replica of an unusually large ram's skeleton. What was the name of this legendary ram?
Gorehoof 污蹄
Toothgnasher 磨齿者(坦格里斯尼尔)
Bloodhorn 血角
Steelmauler 捶铁者
30、Name the titan lore-keeper who was a member of the elite Pantheon
Aman'Thul 阿曼苏尔
Norgannon 诺甘农
Eonar 艾欧娜
Khaz'goroth 卡兹格罗斯
31、What did the dragon aspects give the night elves after the War of the Ancients?
Teldrassil 泰达希尔
Well of Eternity 永恒之井
Nordrassil 诺达希尔
Moonwells 月亮井
32、Formerly a healthy paladin, this draenei fell ill after fighting the Burning Legion and becoming one of the Broken. He later became a powerful shaman.
Velen 维纶
Akama 阿卡玛
Maraad 玛尔拉德
Nobundo 努波顿
33、Who were the three young twilight drakes guarding the twilight dragon eggs in the Obsidian Sanctum?
Tenebron, Vesperon and Shadron 塔尼布隆、维斯匹隆和沙德隆
Tenebron, Vesperon and Halion 塔尼布隆、维斯匹隆和海里昂
Theralion, Shadron and Abyssion 塔尼布隆、沙德隆和艾比希昂
Theralion, Halion and Abyssion 塔尼布隆、海里昂和艾比希昂
34、What phrase means "Thank you" in Draconic, the language of the dragons?
Borela mir 波瑞拉~米尔
Belan shi 比兰~希
Avral shi 阿瓦柔~希
Alena mir 艾兰纳~米尔
35、Before the original Horde formed, a highly contagious sickness began spreading rapidly among the orcs. What did the orcs call it?
Scarlet fever 猩红热
Blood pox 红疹
Crimson fever 血红热
Red pox 红疹
36、What is the highest rank bestowed on a druid?
Shaman 萨满
Stormcaller 风暴召唤者
Archdruid 大德鲁伊
Far seer 先知