

时间:2008-11-02 19:00 作者:hari_seldon 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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[ http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=24119.0 ]


Glyphs to remove knockback effects on some abilities
We are considering glyphs that will allow players to remove the knockback from Typhoon, Thunderstorm and Blast Wave in return for some other benefit, such as more damage or a cooldown reduction. You could then use these glyphs when raiding and not make the tanks mad. (Source)

Developers decision making process
We do very extensive testing on all aspects of combat balance. Remember, as a large company we have access to testing capabilities far beyond that of the average player. As developers of the game, we also have access to a large number of tools that we don't make public.


I mention Patchwerk a lot because raiders understand that he is a fight where most of the raid takes no damage and there are no adds or movement issues. It is a very straight-forward fight. "Patchwerk" is shorthand for a tank and spank fight. But he is not a test case for every possible encounter in the game, nor do we use him as such.

The designers are generally very good at playing a variety of classes. You pretty much have to be to get hired here. We also spend a lot more time with the game than many players are capable of doing, and can look up numbers or gather data that most players have to estimate or guess at. All of this experience probably puts us in the upper percentiles of player skill. Nevertheless, we don't pretend to be the best players in the world in all aspects of WoW, nor do I think that is necessary to do our jobs. We do employ experts on all classes in both PvE and PvP and as a reality check to our own testing, we are also in contact with expert players of the classes throughout the world. We also read this forum and others just to make sure players are experiencing the same thing we're seeing.

I think sometimes there is a misperception from players that we read the forums all day and when we see someone saying "X is too good" we nerf it and when "Y is too bad" we buff it. Forum feedback, while very helpful, is but a small percentage of our actual testing paradigm. (So is personal experience of that matter.)

We do make mistakes sometimes, whether because of an undetected bug, or players falling into different spell rotations or gear that we predict, or a number of other reasons. But you generally don't need to worry that e.g. we forgot to test say paladins on non-undead targets. (Source)


  • Armor trinkets and bear armor mechanics
    • We are considering changing the trinkets or the way bear armor works so that finding armor on items doesn't make them so superior for druids. If we make this change, I'll announce it before LK ships so that you don't make a heroic effort to get those items with lots of armor.

      Bear armor would continue to increase as your armor from items went up, so that you'd still want heroic leather before going on to raiding. We would also make sure your overall armor levels didn't drop. (Source)
  • 加护甲的饰品及熊的护甲
    • 我们正想改动饰品或者熊护甲的作用,这样的话不至于让熊坦因为一件装备上的护甲而把它捧上天。如果我们做了这些改动,我会在WotLK之前公布的,这样你们就不用为了这些护甲饰品而费心了

Developers Q&A
  • The amount of times you can shapeshift before running out of mana is considerably lower now
    • The counter-argument is that when you shift to bear you are regenerating mana in a fashion that totally protects it from drains and the like. It’s not just as simple as giving you more mana or making the shifting cost cheaper. But it is something we’ll take a look at.
  • 现在只要几次变身就能让蓝空
    • 反过来说,你们变熊以后蓝会自动回,而且还不怕抽蓝。这个问题不是简单地增加你们的蓝或者降低变身蓝耗能解决的,但我们也会关注这个建议
  • Why is the druid the only class with a talent based on the number of players in a party? If this is supposed to be a pvp balance thing for arena or to prevent druids from solo tanking then why are we the only class given this special treatment?
    • I said it’s something we might change. Mostly I wanted to understand if it was an actual balance issue in cases other than niche situations or if it was just something that was just a thorn in your paw. I am pretty sure it’s the latter, but that still doesn’t mean it’s set in stone.
  • 为什么德鲁伊是唯一一个减伤天赋需要小队成员来提供的?如果这是为了保持PVP平衡或者防止solo坦克的情况出现,为什么其它职业待遇不同?
    • 我说过了,这些我们都会改的。我希望了解这是否是平衡而非优势,或者只是你们的眼中钉,我很确定是后者,但这并不意味着不会再改了。
  • Improved Leader of the Pack is total mana. This means I regenerate more mana at 70 than I do at 80. At 80 I spend ~35% more on EVERYTHING.
    • We could change that to base mana I imagine.
  • 强化兽群领袖回的是包括智力提升的蓝的比例,这样的话我70级回的蓝还比80级多。而80级时我的蓝耗增加了35%
    • 我们可以把它改成根据基础法力来回蓝(!!难道是骑士审判翻版??)
  • It makes no sense why a resto or balance druid are allowed to shift more than us when WE are supposed to be the masters of shapeshifting because we are the ones who specced to improve our animalistic side. All we want is to be pvp viable and not be so restricted on mana, I would be lucky if I could even manage an arena fight at this stage with the mana I have now, I wouldn't be able to do anything really.
    • I’m not sure I would use that line of reasoning. The casters could just as easily say that they are the most fragile so they need the means to escape or deal with melee more than a Feral. It doesn’t invalidate your whole argument, but I don’t think this particular point makes it stronger.
  • 我们(野德)因为加强了野性方面技能而号称变形大师,到头来变形次数居然还比不上平衡德或者恢复德!我们只是需要PVP中的生存能力、不被蓝条所限制。就算在现在70级的情况下,我们都很难控制竞技场上的局势,我几乎没法做什么事。
    • 。。那么这样的话施法者也可以同样号称他们更脆弱,因此需要更多的反控制手段或者更多伤害,这并不是说你的论点是无效的,只是你的说法还不够有力
  • I think you need to spend more time on the EJ forums. If there was a trinket with -100 Stamina and +1000 armor, Druids would wear it. White +Armor items are that overpowered. Regarding PVP gear for tanking, we're not giving up "a lot of stats to get marginally better Stamina." We're giving up stats which are irrelevant for tanking (AP, strength, expertise past the cap) for Stamina. Tanks generate 7000tps; threat generation is an invalid concern. Therefore, unless the PVE gear provides superior mitigation (like the +armor T6 did) or increased Stamina, then bears will be forced to wear PVP gear in order to have the best survivability while tanking.
    • We do follow those forums. They have very smart people posting there, but of course they are not right about everything either. You can find many excellent as well as a few mediocre suggestions there. Their best aspect is the signal to noise ratio is very strong. Since you point it out though, one thing I wish our posters could learn from those forums is how to communicate with each other. Our forums have far too many threads where dissenting opinions are ignored instead of addressed.

      On the armor thing, I still feel like you are trying to turn this into “GC doesn’t understand Feral itemization.” I realize that line of thinking might make it easier to dismiss our point of view when you disagree with it, but it's not true and not really the issue. Xaamau’s original concern was “Not enough "Armor" trinkets in game making them invaluable to druids, basically once you have these trinkets you will not grab anything else unless you reach armor cap.” I just don’t think the second part is an issue. Depending on your existing armor and other stats and what other pieces you can upgrade, you are not going to only look at armor on trinkets and ignore everything else they can do. The first part is of more concern if bears have trouble getting the trinkets they need.
  • 我觉得你应该在EJ论坛上花更多时间,如果有个饰品是减100耐增加1000甲的话,小D们肯定会用的。加护甲的东西就是这么好。还有,上次你说的PVP装备来坦克会损失很多属性,但是我不觉得妳的说法是对的。我们损失的属性(AP,力量,精准)和你抗得抗不住没关系。坦克有7000tps,根本不怕OT。你看,这样的话除非PVE装备提供给我们更好的免伤(比如绿甲)或者更多耐力,不然我们只能穿着PVP装来保证自己的抗打击能力了。
    • 我们的确看了那些论坛,他们很多东西很有价值,但并不是所有东西都是对的。那里有很多很好的建议,但也有不怎么样的,他们在把话讲清楚方面做得最好(应该就是清楚地提出些东西而不混杂很多别的)。我希望我们能从那儿学会更多交流的技巧。我们这里反对的意见经常被无视而非被重视。

  • Personally, I'd be much happier if armor was removed from trinkets/necks/rings/staves altogether, and druids were given a talent to convert DPS stats to tanking stats (maybe bump the armor conversion from agi, or turn AP into a bit of dodge). That way we wouldn't have to "steal" necks/rings from plate tanks, and we could use similar accessories for both cat and bear. And if someone in the itemization team slips and lets a 1k armor blue staff through, it isn't immediately heralded as a better tanking staff than any epic in the game. It also gives a smoother progression though the tiers of raiding, since you won't need a separate DPS and tanking staff and only have access to 1 staff per tier.
    • We have discussed this before, and I do think removing armor completely as a stat has a lot of merit. I do think it would cause a lot of complaints from druids who didn't understand why we were doing it.

      I have already expressed my distaste for feral-specific weapons (though I own plenty of them). They are some of the last vestiges of the antiquated system where certain characters are very dependent on relatively uncommon items that cause frustration among other players when they drop. That situation in turn makes the items even rarer, and therefore even more of a big deal when they drop.
  • 个人认为,如果把饰品/戒指/项链/法杖上的护甲都移除,然后小德得到一个天赋使他能从DPS属性中得到坦克属性(敏捷提升护甲或者AP增加闪躲),我会更高兴。这样我们就不用“偷”板甲坦克的东西了,然后我们猫/熊就能用相近的装备,这样的话,用蓝色护甲杖,并不比任何紫色武器牛。同时,这样还能让Raid的武器过渡更好,因为你不用分别设计坦克和DPS杖。
    • 我们之前讨论过方面东西,我的确觉得完全移除护甲有很多优点。但是我很肯定很多不明白的小德会抱怨。

  • Potential changes to itemization ...
    • Changing armor would be work, but possible to do within the confines of Lich King (though probably not before it shipped). If we decide to do it, we will make sure you know ASAP so that nobody is struggling to get Defender's Code. Changing feral attack power is more work, but in that case the weapon would still be just as good for you as it is now, so it affects what items you collect less.
  • 可能的物品属性变化
    • 应该只在WLK里面修改护甲方面,如果我们决定作这个了,我们会尽快让你知道的,这样就不会辛辛苦苦去搞那些防御装,野性状态下的AP问题需要更多考虑,但改动以后它们肯定一样好用,这样就不会影响你选择武器了。


Mage (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))
Slow - Reducing the PvP duration to 10 seconds
We are strongly considering this. (Source)



Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))
Abilities uptime and mana cost
You should be able to spam Consecrate if you use Divine Plea. This is what we, and I believe others, have found. You should be able to use Divine Storm, Crusader Strike and a Judgement without Divine Plea and keep mana up almost indefinitely. (Source)



Developers Q&A (Source)
Chaos bolt, Instant. (Why, because destruction is still way to dependant on Casting+Stationary , LOS, and being locked out of spell trees. Mostly make it instant for pvp but would also help pve dps if locks decided to go this path.) I know hunters have simular line of sight complaints but I beleive this is hurting destruction a lot more then our hunter friends.
We're talking a lot about warlocks in PvP right now. Instant-cast spells may or may not be one of the changes we'll make. Ultimately, changing Chaos Bolt and Haunt to instant just makes them different spells. We would have to nerf them significantly to make them instant, which would have PvE ramifications. Warlocks do have a fair number of spells they can cast while moving.


Give demon form a permanent form for warlocks, especially if your going to be succeptable to MORE cc then you were before IE Turn evil and Banish. (Why, because "I know blizz hates it when we compare classes but" every other talented form regardless of damage reduction abilities is permanent if you spec into it" So unless this is a failed attempt at Beastial Wraith which may I remind you makes you immune to All types of CC not adds more) As well Give Soul Link the 5% bonus damage back, not sure who in the world decided to take this away.
We don't want warlocks to be in demon form all the time. I think we've explained the Soul Link change before.


Give us back our old Self Buffs, the New fel armor is not cool and the Armor on Demon armor is downright terrible. I guess this is complaining so my solution, fel armor, 130 spell dmg and 30% more + healing, Demon Armor 2000 Armor+ and increased health regen.
What is your beef with Fel Armor? Our internal testing found that once you have gear with Sprit on it that it can improve you dps by 20% or even more. You may be low at your current levels without Spirit. That will change in just a couple of weeks.


There is talk about dispel resistance for destruction! this is kick ass and long overdue, what about for the few dots demon locks use?
We're looking at dispel resistance for locks in general.



All you have to do is tweak Bloodsurge to allow us to slam more often and that will solve 2 major problems fury warriors have. What I am going to propose below isn't even some huge buff that will scale fury warriors out of control.
Yep, we like this idea a lot. I'm not certain this is the approach we'll take, but it's an idea (Bloodsurge -> Slam) that has come up several times around the office. (Source)

我们很喜欢这个主意,但不确定我们会用这样的方式,这个想法(血涌-> 猛击)需要一些时间去测试


