原帖内容:Future plan for Crushing Blow
Crushing blows used to apply to mobs 3 levels above you, which included most bosses. The change was to make them apply to mobs 4 levels above you. If you are running an instance of the appropriate level, you will not be crushed. Crushing blows originally served a dual-purpose: they discouraged you from attacking mobs much higher level than you, and they made bosses more challenging. Now they only fulfill the first role. We have plenty of other knobs to make bosses more challenging that feel less random.
碾压原本是在那些等级超过你3级以上的怪物对你产生伤害时候产生的,当然包括了大部分的BOSS。今后将改动为4级以上。也就是说,如果你参与的副本等级和你的等级基本相同,那么你将基本不再受到碾压的影响。以前我们考虑碾压的原因有两个:一来,是不让你打那些等级超过你过高的怪物,二来,就是让RAID BOSS变得更富有挑战性。但是现在,我们不再用碾压了,碾压系统只对我们刚才提到的“第一条”有效(即低级玩家挑战高4级以上的怪物),我们将用更多别的手段来让BOSS变得更有挑战性而让打BOSS变得不再“看RP”。
以后的碾压只存在于小号练级过程中,一个小号想挑战超过自己等级4级+的怪才会出现碾压 。
因为RAID BOSS视为玩家等级+3,所以RAID BOSS的碾压将正好被这个4级的新碾压线给取消掉。