

时间:2007-09-14 09:45 作者:訫偌芷氺 手机订阅 参与评论(0) 【投稿】
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Dear Cn friends:

thx for long period support. I am really sry about leaving WOW. I know many ppl like me as well as many ppl hate me in China, but i cant stand for WOW any more. TBC destroied mage. WOW is no fun any more. I even need wand a warrior down. blizzard gives ppl too much HP and less mana, 1VN or even 1V2 fall into impossible.

I got my rly too, so i dont wanna spend time on that unplayable game any more. I am planning to have a nice holiday in summer, so am leaving. About my V5, i finished the 60lvl PVP part, but not the 70lvl ones.

moreover, am abit unhappy about many ppl always put me and cesia gather. I know its about ur guys caring. but its my private life. so plz dont mention that any more.

well, anyway, have fun in WOW, and am sure there will be more ppl play better than me. btw, i hate blizzard, they can go and die now.
翻译 :


谢谢长久以来的支持.很对不起,我要离开了. 我知道有很多中国玩家喜欢我,就像很多中国玩家讨厌我一样.但是我再不能坚持下去了.TBC把FS毁了.WOW再也不有趣了.我现在竟然需要用魔杖扔死一个ZS.暴雪给了玩家太多的血,却没有给相应的蓝. 1VN甚至1V2的局面也变得几乎不可能.

我也有我的现实生活, 所以我不想把我的时间浪费在这么一个没有可玩性的游戏上.我在准备我的暑假,所以我离开了.关于V5,我把60级的PVP视频做完了,但是70的我没有做.


最后,祝大家WOW愉快. 我肯定将会有更多的玩家比我玩得好.顺带说一句,我恨暴雪,他们可以去死了.



这里,作为一名SS,我相信V大,你会回来的。你是大家的偶像,你的FANS在等你。虽然 V大 骂暴雪,可能跟我们中国人骂9C一样。。。






今天上台服官网的竞技场网站,照例转到韩国竞技场网站查看下DD有没什么装备变化.竟然发现他将DD7中的0 7 54天赋改成5 6 50了,那下面就让我们来看看都有哪些变化吧:(注:8月11日,要骂消息过时的,我就无视吧。)











  Introduction to EE ''''''''English ver'''''''' :D   
In the year 2004, 3 undead ninjas were sauntering through a 
part of the Undercity on the closed beta server and they were gathering votes from newbies hehe... 

They were pleading for signatures... 
" You asshole, is this so hard to do? I''''''''ll give you 10silver just gimme the signature!!" 

And so DragonDog, DuskTaker, µ?Ccedil;?Agrave;ÇÈ«°æÀÎ and 3 other people from UO came and formed the  guild in WOW. 

Later on, ELpiS and BigZimi joined on, increasing the beginnings of evil...they looked towards the future and quietly lived on pk and increased their levels. 

During the closed beta era, there was an unspoken promise all through the Azeroth land //Actions in this manner were not taken well. However, 
these fiends from  didn''''''''t take this rule particularly into mind. 

The Alliance and Hordes could attack each other, but to refrain from doing this was common courtesy. 

usually went to war whenever these villians arrived, mercilessly doing Alliance PK. 
The Alliance attacked us first! No, the Hordes did! 

The truth was, later on they figured out  was behind all of this. 

On Horde chatting, they dissed EE for their ungentlemanly behavior toward the Alliance and EE came to be the main enemy. 

Of course, this was partly because of DragonDog''''''''s complete monastery ninja-ing! 

The crazy master mage ELpiS of the Cursed Land...the monster who captured a whole party alone... 

After the monastery ninja looting, DragonDog was unable to play in parties, so he joined the ultimate party and began the first Instance Dungeon attacks 

I don''''''''t even remember the dumbass General''''''''s chat about how Stratholme clearing was impossible. 

NEways, he said if Stratholme was broken, he would quit playing. 
DragonDog and the ''''''''Àý´ë?laquo;Àû'''''''' did it for the first time ever, even internationally! 

However, the SOB didn''''''''t quit playing and left a famous quote. 

Um, to say the truth, I meant the Stratholme on the inside. Not 
Rivendare, the Kel''''''''thuzad on the inside..." dumbass.. doofus dodo-_ 

After that, Andy Garcia joined EE and the 3 person caster group was formed and wherever they went, they left a trail of Alliance corpses behind them. 

Because not even 10 people could take down 3! 

On the last day of the closed-beta test, the victory was taken from us at the MBC PVP(TV) tournament, but we left a battle to be remembered. 

It was Andy Garcia''''''''s priest vs. priest and it''''''''s still cool when you think about it. 

And so the closed-beta days were over and the open-beta age started. 
The ids DragonDog and ELpiS were so famous they were immediately taken by some peeps on the Alliance because they were so well-known and hated. And so without further ado, the ID Drakedog was made. 

After open-beta started, EE''''''''s evil deeds shocked Korean WOW-players nationwide. 
Among these, Warzimi and Armatesz''''''''s ninja looting couldn''''''''t be forgotten.(Felstriker,Typhoon ) 

Stealing and other actions like this were all called ninja-looting and this phrase had been used among EE members for a long time. 

And to mention another unforgettable act, you can never leave out the battle of a century between Drakedog and 鲸ぜ±. 

The two were quarreling but as a result of their dumbass minds, they decided to have a fight on the front yards of Ogrima. The penalty for losing this fight was to erase your character completely. 

After a 10 second fight in which Drakedog won, 鲸ぜ± erased his character in front of hundreds of people for real 

Enough with the WOW-talk, one summer day this SOB hacked into the VOE homepage and we lost all of the kill-shots that Drakedog had saved. 

After many fights and splits amongst the guild members who had been together since UO, countless ninjas, foul-mouthed chat, fraud, and other awful things 

we became pariahs amongst our own, the hordes, and playing the game became nearly imposibble. 

Anyway, there were endless legends, accidents, and stuff that happened that are still funny to this day 

Lately after some nasty patches in which independent dogfighting were banned, we have become disappointed and wander about on #evil or trash our computers after getting bored from waiting for a war to begin. 

Drakedog is a general at the moment and he is preparing his 5th movie. Goo''''''''s second promotion video is also set out to be unveiled this year. 

Although the concept of doing only evil may be hard to get, no one can really hate EE. Ad as long as it thrives, we''''''''ll always have something to get a kick out of. 

EE!!!! Á»솓·ÁÂ÷!NINJA! 

Original Context:[EE]DrakeDog 

Edited by:[EE]DesertEagle 

Translated by :Lady Feline yeah! thx T_T

大致翻译:在测试服务器的时候,DragonDog, DuskTaker, µ?Ccedil;?Agrave;ÇÈ«三个人花钱收买小号的方法(好像是一个签名10Y)凑齐了签名,于是组建了EE工会。当时他们见了联盟就杀,于是丑名昭著,尤其是DragonDog的ninja让他们名声大挣。其中他们和一个家伙打赌(好像是干掉Stratholme什么的),DragonDog他们做到了。但是对手没有按照约定从此不玩了。
由于他们的名声很大,所以在测试结束之后,他们的名字立刻被联盟抢注了,于是DD就改名叫Drakedog了。当时EE的名声很臭,一个原因是因为他们见联盟就杀所以被联盟追杀,另外一个原因也是因为他们工会里面出现了无数的ninja事件。那时候有个有趣的小故事Drakedog 和 一个叫鲸ぜ±的BL吵架了,于是他们决定在奥门口决斗败者删除游戏角色。drakedog在10秒内干掉了鲸ぜ±,于是鲸ぜ±.当中删除角色。后来鲸ぜ±.把EE的论坛黑了删除了所有的战斗照片(好像是这个)。那时由于EE的名声臭,加之出了新补丁后不能单刷(刷什么我也看不明白)于是EE面临空前微机。此时的EE只能删号或者等待进入战场。DD这时候是督军了在准备他的第5部视频。也就是在DD身边的朋友不断离开EE的时候,DD做了那部删号视频。


1.WoW is not fun anymore
  2.bored of 24 hours of honorly task
  3.sick of infinite repetetion of dungeon raid
  4.i was sad watching my friends leaving one at a time
  5.now im sick of crying out all lonely for the friends who had left
  6.I wanna leave WOW and rest in peace




7区   丹莫德      訫偌芷氺

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