GCD改动 部分攻击向爆发技能被加上GCD

时间:2018-04-02 17:06 作者:AK-48 来源:NGA 手机订阅 神评论


GCD改动 部分攻击向爆发技能被加上GCD,一起来看下吧!

Thank you for the feedback. This set of changes reflects an experiment in the latest Alpha build. Some context and explanation follows.

The "global cooldown" was so named because it originally was nearly universal. In the early days of WoW, virtually all abilities were on the GCD, with some of the only exceptions being "on next swing" attacks like the old Heroic Strike and Maul, which didn't have an immediate effect when activated. For melee players especially, with mostly instant abilities, the global cooldown was the metronome that governed the rhythm and pacing of WoW combat, including the agile Rogue being able to act more quickly than others. But over the years, more and more abilities have been taken off the GCD, to the point that, depending on class, spec, and talent choice, it's possible in Legion for someone to have 10+ abilities in their spellbook that ignore the "global" cooldown.


Recently, we took a step back and surveyed the landscape of what did and didn't respect the GCD, looking to justify each of these decisions anew. This process is still ongoing, and further changes may come.


Aside from setting the overall pacing of combat, abilities being on the global cooldown can create potentially interesting choices: If you're in an arena match and are low on health being melee attacked, but so is your target on the enemy team, do you use your next GCD to try to finish off your opponent, or to get yourself out of harm's way? That's a nuanced decision, where a skilled and experienced player is more likely to intuitively make the right read of the situation. If your defensive/escape tool is off the GCD, then there is no decision: You simply do both.

除了影响整体战斗的节奏外,因为gcd的存在有时候可以让玩家面临潜(有趣的)选择:如果你处于竞技场比赛中,自己血量不高被近战粘着,但是你的对手也是同样的情况,那么你是使用你的下一个GCD试图杀死你的对手,或者让自己摆脱伤害? 这是一个细微的决定,一个熟练和经验丰富的选手更可能直观地正确判断情况。 如果你的防守/移动技能不用GCD,那么就不需要做出选择:你可以同时都做。

But on the other hand, taking something off the GCD improves responsiveness, and opens up avenues of reactive gameplay. Until Wrath of the Lich King, most spell interrupts were on the global cooldown. Back then, someone tasked with interrupting a boss (Reliquary of Souls in Black Temple was notorious in this regard) would often stop using any abilities at all when it was their turn in the rotation, lest they find themselves on cooldown and unable to interrupt. That's technically a decision, but more of a nuisance than a satisfying choice. Similarly, trying to use Lay on Hands to save the day in response to a sudden dip in your tank's health, only to have the spell fail to cast because you'd executed a standard part of your rotation a half-second prior, simply felt bad. We have no plans to put either of those abilities back on the GCD.

但另一方面,一些技能忽视gcd可以提高瞬间反应的潜力。 在巫妖王之怒之前,大部分法术中断都有gcd。 那时候,负责打断boss的人(在这个方面臭名昭着的bt三脸)在轮到他们时会经常会停止使用任何技能,为了防止处于gcd冷却期并且无法打断。 这理论上是一个“选择”,但更多的是令人讨厌而不是令人满意的选择。 同样,如果在试图使用圣疗拯救坦克突然血喷的时候,却因为在半秒钟之前用了其他技能而触发了gcd而没放出技能,会让人感到失败。 我们没有计划把这些技能都重新加上GCD。
