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Metals / 金属

140 Copper Bar / 140 铜锭
80 Bronze Bar / 80 青铜锭
50 Silver Bar / 50 银锭
120 Iron Bar / 120 铁锭
70 MithrilBar / 70 秘银锭
10 Truesilver Bar / 10 真银锭
175 Thorium Bar / 175 瑟银锭

Jewels / 宝石

15 Tigerseye / 15 虎眼石
20 Shadowgem / 20 暗影石
40 Lesser Moonstone / 40 次级月亮石
35 Aquamarine / 35 青绿石
20 Jade / 20 玛瑙
10 Citrine / 10 黄水晶
10 Star Ruby / 10 红宝石
30 Large Opal / 30 大猫眼石
5 Azerothian Diamond / 5 艾泽拉斯钻石
20 Huge Emerald / 20 巨型绿宝石
5 Blue Sapphire / 5 蓝宝石

Stones / 石头

80 Heavy Stone / 80 沉重的石头

Other / 其他

30 Elixir of Ogre?s Strength / 30 食人魔之力药剂
40 Elemental Earth / 40 元素之土
20 Elemental Water / 20 元素之水
10 Essence of Undeath / 10 死灵精华
5 Essence of Water / 5 水精华
50 Flask of Mojo / 50 魔精
20 Heart of the Wild / 20 野性之心

1-35 Delicate Copper Wire (140x Copper Bars)
1-35 精密铜线 (140x铜锭)

35-50 Tigerseye Band (15x Tigerseye, 15x Delicate Copper Wire)
35-50 虎眼石指环 (15x虎眼石, 15x精密铜线)

50-80 Bronze Settings (80x Bronze Bars)*you will need to make 40 total Bronze Settings
50-80 青铜底座 (80x青铜锭) 注:一共需要制作40个青铜底座

80-90 Gloom Band (20x Shadowgem, 10x Bronze Setting, 20x Delicate Copper Wire)
80-90 阴暗指环 (20x暗影石,10x青铜底座, 20x精密铜线)

90-110 Ring of Silvermight (40x Silver Bars)
90-110 银色能量之戒(40x银锭)

110-120 Heavy Stone Statue (80x Heavy Stone)
110-120 沉重的石头雕像 (80x沉重的石头)

120-140Amulet of the Moon (40x Lesser Moonstone, 20x Bronze Settings)
120-140 月亮护身符 (40x次级月亮石, 20x青铜底座)

140-155Heavy Iron Knuckles(120x Iron Bar, 30x Elixer of Ogre Strength)
140-155 厚重的铁拳套 (120x铁锭, 30x食人魔之力药剂)

155-180 Mithril Filigree (50x Mithril Bar)
155-180 秘银细丝 (50x秘银锭)

180-200The Jade Eye (20x Jade, 40x Elemental Earth)
180-200 翡翠之眼 (20x翡翠, 40x元素之土)

200-210Citrine Ring of Rapid Heal (10x Citrine, 20x Elemental Water, 20x Mithril Bars)
200-210 快速治疗之黄水晶戒指 (10x黄水晶, 20x元素之水, 20x秘银锭)

210-220Aquamarine Signet (30x Aquamarine, 40x Flask of Mojo)
210-220 青绿石图章 (30x青绿石, 40x魔精)

220-225Aquamarine Pendant of the Warrior (5x Aquamarine, 10x Flask of Mojo, 15x Mithril Filigree)
220-225 战士之青绿石挂件 (5x青绿石, 10x魔精, 15x秘银细丝)

225-250Thorium Setting (135x Thorium Bars)*You will need to make a total of 45 Thorium Settings
225-250 瑟银底座 (135x瑟银锭) 注:一共需要制作45组底座

250-260Ruby Pendant of Fire (10x Star ruby, 10x Thorium Setting)
250-260 火焰红宝石挂件 (10x红宝石, 10x瑟银底座)

260-265Truesilver Healing Ring (10x Truesilver Bar, 20x Heart of the Wild)
260-265 真银治疗戒指 (10x真银锭, 20x野性之心)

265-280Simple Opal Ring (30x Large Opal, 15x Thorium Setting, 30x Thorium Bar)
265-280 猫眼石原戒 (30x大猫眼石, 15x瑟银底座, 30x瑟银锭)

280-285Diamond Focus Band (5x Azerothian Diamonds, 5x Thorium Settings)
280-285 钻石专注指环 (5x艾泽拉斯钻石, 5x瑟银底座)

285-290Sapphire Pendant of Winter Night(5x Blue Sapphire, 10x Essence of Undeath, 5x Essence of Water, 5x Thorium Setting)
285-290 冬夜之蓝宝石坠饰 (5x蓝宝石, 10x死灵精华, 5x水精华, 5x瑟银底座)

290-300Emerald Lion Ring (20x Huge Emeralds, 10x Thorium Bar, 10 Thorium Setting)
290-300 雄狮之绿宝石戒指 (20x巨型绿宝石, 10x 瑟银锭, 10x瑟银底座)

一些2.0 之后在艾泽拉斯能买到的配方
格式: 配方名称 / NPC名称 / 所在地图 / 坐标

Amulet of the Moon- Mythrin’dir- Darnassus- 61.17
月亮护身符 / 迈斯林迪尔 /达纳苏斯 / 61.17

Pendant of the Agate Shield- Neal Allen- Wetlands- 10.56
玛瑙防护坠饰 / 尼尔·奥雷 / 湿地 /10.56

Heavy Iron Knuckles- Micha Yance- South Shore- 49.55
厚重的铁拳套 /米莎·杨斯 / 南海镇 /49.55

Wicked Moonstone Ring- Dalria- Ashenvale- 35.52
邪恶月亮石戒指 /达利亚 /灰谷 /35.52

Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle- Edna Mullby- SW- 58.60
沉重的黄金作战项链/ 艾德娜·穆比/ 暴风城 /58.60

Blazing Citrine Ring- Micha Yance- South Shore 49.55
闪耀黄水晶戒指/ 米莎·杨斯 / 南海镇 /49.55

The Jade Eye- Burbik Gearspanner- Ironforge- 46.27
玛瑙之眼 /巴比克·齿轮/ 铁炉堡 /46.27

Truesilver Crab- Nerrist- STV (horde only)- 32.29
真银螃蟹/ 耐里斯特 /藏宝海湾(仅限部落)/ 32.29

Opal Necklace of Impact- Burbik Gearspanner- Ironforge-46.27
冲击之猫眼石项链/ 巴比克·齿轮 /铁炉堡 46.27

Emerald Crown of Destruction- Mishta- Silithus- 49.36
毁灭之绿宝石头冠 / 米什塔 /西利苏斯 /49.36

Necklace of the Diamond Tower- Qia- Wintersping- 61.37
钻石塔楼项链 /琦亚 /东泉谷 /61.37

Ruby Crown of Restoration- Hammon Karwn- Arathi Highlands-46.47
恢复之红宝石头冠 /哈蒙·卡文/ 阿拉西高地 /46.47

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