新战争前线 艾萨拉贫瘠之地及围攻银月城

时间:2018-09-14 19:28 作者:superbread 来源:NGA 手机订阅 神评论


新战争前线 艾萨拉贫瘠之地及围攻银月城,一起看下吧!

/run for i=5,12 do local n,d = C_ContributionCollector.GetName(i), C_ContributionCollector.GetDescription(i) if n ~= "" then print(n..": "..d) end end



Barrens Warfront: Attack the Southern Barrens and break through the Great Gates of Mulgore.

Silvermoon Warfront: Assault the final Horde bastion on the Eastern Kingdoms, and cleanse our land of their filth.

Azshara Warfront: Launch a massive Naval assault on the home of Gallywix. Bilgewater will burn.

Battle for Stromgarde: Donate supplies to the war effort as the impending battle over Arathi Highlands nears.
